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Monthly Hazard Preparedness Workshops Underway for West Maui Residents

The isolation of the region can hinder efforts to get to the major hospital and primary airport in a disaster.

The Maui Emergency Management Agency is working with the West Maui Taxpayers Association (WMTA), the Pacific Disaster Center and the state Department of Emergency Management to develop a customized disaster plan for West Maui’s unique needs.

West Maui can be isolated from the island’s major hospital and primary airport because of road closures, fires and flooding, and thus the need for special preparedness measures.

The Hawaiian Hazards and Resilience Program will provide a series of monthly workshops to provide hazard education and promote outreach, offering tools and information resources for mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery planning for the community.

The first series of workshops covered an introduction to emergency management in Hawaii and hazard awareness. The workshops will go through May 18.

“Our community is diverse and we need everyone’s participation to develop community plans,” WMTA said through a press release.