Forrester Report: How to Secure Your IoT and OT Environment

Cyberattacks on Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology now expose businesses to greater risk. But, with all the security technology available today, we asked ourselves the question, why do they keep happening?

ForeScout commissioned Forrester Consulting to see if organizations can adequately and accurately secure their networks with the rise of IoT-connected devices. The study sheds additional insight into this issue that may be surprising:

  • 77% of companies admit that increased usage of IoT devices creates significant security challenges
  • IoT is forcing 76% of surveyed security leaders to re-asses how they secure their networks
  • Individual lines of business—who often work with operational technology and traditional security teams, such as a security operations center—often don’t see eye to eye on how IoT-connected devices should be managed
  • Satisfaction with IoT security is high but doesn’t hold up when tested with an audit
  • Security risk that companies are willing to tolerate in relation to compliance requirements for IoT security is higher than expected

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