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Project Vote Smart is now offering access to a world of political information through the World Wide Web.
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California is testing technology to kill roadside weeds using less chemicals and lowering its $25 million annual weed control budget.
Long-time consumer advocate Ralph Nader needs no introduction. He has been leading public interest campaigns, including the Taxpayer Assets Project, which has worked to open public access to JURIS, a Department of Justice data service, and EDGAR, a Securities and Exchange Commission system. The following interview was conducted by Government Technology Features Editor Brian Miller.
In the wake of last Spring's Microsoft-Wang deal, the imaging industry continues its transformation as vendors buy other vendors.
The Gallia County, Ohio, Clerk of Courts Office took advantage of technology larger counties were using and found that just because they were smaller didn't mean they had to be left behind.
A North Carolina city and county developed a joint GIS to access common information and lower costs
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