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Best of California Awards 2009

Eighteen of California’s top technology projects and leaders from state and local governments were commended by the Center for Digital Government, a division of e.Republic, to be the recipients of its esteemed 2009 Best of California awards.

The Best of California Awards program was established to honor IT professionals and projects in California state and local government and education organizations for their outstanding contributions, dedication and hard work.

Eighteen of California’s top technology projects and leaders from state and local governments were commended by the Center for Digital Government, a division of e.Republic, to be the recipients of its esteemed 2009 Best of California awards. The annual awards recognize excellence in contributions and distinction in the information technology arena.

The winners are selected by a panel of state and local government chief information officers/judges based on a set of criteria, including collaboration between agencies, innovative use of technology, energy sustainability, and benefits and improvement of services to citizens and government employees. The winners will be honored at the 2009 Best of California awards ceremony and gala held in Sacramento on December 3.

Leadership Awards:

Leadership in Solving Business and Policy Problems through Technology
Jerry Sanders, Mayor, City of San Diego, California

Leadership in Management of Information Technology
Doug Albrecht, Director of Information Management, Port of Long Beach

Excellence in Project Delivery
The Genetic Disease Screening Program, Screening Information System Development Team; CA Department of Public Health

Excellence in Rapid Project Delivery
Records Retention Center IT HUB Relocation Project Team, City of Los Angeles World Airports Office of IT Project Management

Excellence in IT Operations, Support and Service

Information Management Services Division, CA Department of Personnel Administration

Leadership in Solving Business and Policy Problems through Security Technology
California E-Hub Statewide Procurement and Implementation Team (multiple California agencies)

Project and Web Excellence Awards:

Best Application Serving Organization Business Objectives

OneSD, City of San Diego
Online Assistance System for Insurer Submittals (OASIS), CA Dept. of Insurance

Best Application Serving the Public
Graffiti Abatement Referral System (GARS), County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works
Screening Information System – Prenatal Screening Expansion, CA Dept. Public Health

Best Application Serving Multiple Jurisdictions or Organizations Within a Jurisdiction
"AVOID the 21" Portal – CA Office of Traffic Safety/Livermore Police for Alameda County; Livermore Police Department
Local Evaluation Online (LEO): Evaluating HIV Prevention, CA Dept. Public Health

Most Innovative Use of Technology
iPhone Government Services Locator, CA Office of the Chief Information Officer

The Green IT Award
DASH - Data Automation Software and Hardware System, CA Franchise Tax Board
Los Angeles County Solar Map

Geospatial Innovation Award
Field Automation for Sanitation Trucks (FAST), City of Los Angeles Public Works/Sanitation

Best State Government Web Site
California Department of Food and Agriculture Web Site

Best Local Government Web Site
San Diego County Web Site

For more information, please contact Janet Grenslitt, Surveys and Awards Director,