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New York City Launches Location Intelligence Data Dashboard

A new data visualization dashboard promises unparalleled insights into services and future needs for the iconic city.

The city of New York has launched a new interagency data visualization tool to better deploy government services and predict future need.

This dashboard, announced Jan. 11 by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Office of Operations, will tie in data from key city departments, like the New York Police Department and the Department of Transportation, as well as the city’s central data repository, to better assist general staff in data-driven decision-making processes.


“Using location intelligence platforms enables the Mayor’s Office of Operations to generate actionable dashboards to manage NYC more efficiently; building on our robust performance management and data collection practices to offer a better service to our citizens,” said James Perazzo, of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Operations, in a press release.

City staff will be able to map data and location trends while lending clearer performance indicators, visualization and programmable alerts to assist in the data mining process. 


Eyragon Eidam is the managing editor for Industry Insider — California. He previously served as the daily news editor for Government Technology. He lives in Sacramento, Calif.