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Next Generation Government

Between government now and government new, there's a bridge

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As the world around us changes, often inexplicably and without any sense of consideration, we must find a way to balance growth and the protection of public safety and health.
The World Health Organization notes that almost all people affected by emergencies will experience psychological distress. Now, more than ever, actions to protect mental health are of the utmost importance. Governments must respond, recover, and reimagine in ways that devote resources, develop programs, and improve access to mental health care.
With many educational organizations shifting their entire schedules to distance learning tools or full virtual environments indefinitely, never has the statement “we are all in this together” been more poignant.
Over the past two months, the number of students and faculty using the Webex Education Connector has grown 770%.
Teachers are front and center in the transition to distance learning and the battle to provide education – no matter what is happening in the world.
New payment program allows customers and partners to access technology to support business continuity, invest for recovery, deferring 95 percent of the cost until January 2021 and protect their business with cash preservation and minimized cash outlay.
From disinfecting robots to IoT virus sensors, new innovations can keep urban centers safe.
When we look at the world today, it has been revolutionized by the cloud, and it has disrupted the way business is done.
Right now, COVID-19 is forcing many people around the world to work remotely.
Every business is struggling with how to keep their businesses running while keeping their employees and customers safe.
Taking steps to stay safe online is a year-round effort, but every October — during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month — things are ramped up a notch. Individuals and organizations of all types stop to remind themselves about the importance of cybersecurity and of making sure that everyone has the resources they need to protect themselves online.
It is estimated that the increasing pace of urbanization is bringing 3 million people into cities every week. That’s roughly equivalent to the entire population of Chicago moving into a city every week.
When I started in technology 30-plus years ago, I never would have imagined we’d have the smart devices we enjoy today. There are so many types of gadgets that improve our quality of life, from smart lighting toand smart refrigerators (to remind you it’s time to buy more milk), and even smart hairbrushes for healthier hair. I have to admit, there are times when I just sit back, a little awed, and wonder how in the world did this all get started?
Educational institution systems store a large amount of sensitive data, including student and employee records. They rely heavily on these systems for day-to-day operations. So any disruption or loss of access can be a game changer. But these same institutions also often have tight budgets and can’t afford to employ large security teams. That’s one reason they’re perceived as easy and lucrative targets by online adversaries.
In today’s installment of our #FutureofPublicSector series, we explore the myriad of challenges threatening public safety and the technology solutions that are emerging as governments and public- sector leaders endeavor to keep citizens, cities and nations safer than ever.
Today’s stop while exploring #TheFutureofPublicSector takes us to education and what the future will make possible for teaching and learning. So, what does the future hold for education as we know it?
The complexity challenge and what you can do about it.
Cities around the world face rapid urbanization, economic constraints, and environmental concerns. To address these challenges, city administrators are turning to technology, especially the Internet of Things (IoT), to digitize city operations.
Life bustles in and out, ferried over bridges and highways and funneled down streets and boulevards. Look deeper, and you’ll see the forces that come together to power these cities and communities.