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What new technology could help cut down on traffic congestion?

What new technology could help cut down on traffic congestion?

Answer: virtual traffic lights

According to Carnegie Mellon University computer scientist Ozan Tonguz, getting rid of all the physical traffic lights could be the future of urban transportation, The Atlantic Cities reported.

Tonguz and colleagues are working on a virtual traffic lights system that's based on emerging vehicle-to-vehicle technology. The idea, according to The Atlantic Cities, "is to shift traffic control from fixed street signals to the moving cars themselves."

Tonguz says the result is an optimized traffic flow that should greatly reduce city congestion.

How would virtual traffic lights work? As a driver approaches an intersection, the car transmits data, such as location and speed, to other nearby cars. "The virtual system processes this information for all the cars in the area, with the help of a lead car that changes every cycle, and determines your individual traffic signal," The Atlantic Cities reported. "Instead of seeing a red or green light hanging in the intersection, you see it on your windshield and stop or go accordingly."