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How did a 29-year-old amnesiac piece together most of his life?

How did a 29-year-old amnesiac piece together most of his life?

Answer: Using Facebook


One morning in 2010, Mayank Sharma awoke with no memory of the first 26 years of his life. What was diagnosed as tuberculosis meningitis eventually morphed into hydrocephalus, and stripped him of all his memories. Sharma had to re-learn the most basic of things, like how to walk.

Once he could use the computer again, he went through old search histories to try piecing things together -- and the Facebook "People You May Know" tool popped up. He emailed those who appeared, asking if he knew them, and he ultimately created a Facebook page asking friends, family and acquaintances to help him rebuild his memory.

You can watch his journey here:

Source: Facebook