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How is Uber helping to close the tech industry's gender gap?

Answer: by partnering with Girls Who Code and giving a $1.2 million grant

Uber has announced a partnership with Girls Who Code in an initiative to encourage diversity in the tech industry. In this three-year arrangement, Uber is giving a $1.2 million grant to the nonprofit, which works to diminish the gender gap in the world of tech.

It is estimated that the grant will help Girls Who Code add 60,000 more to the 40,000 girls already learning technical skills through its summer and after-school programs. Uber engineers and tech employees will volunteer to set up coding mentorship programs and workshops at Girls Who Code chapters throughout the nation.

Additionally, Bozoma Saint John, chief brand officer at Uber, will join the board of directors for Girls Who Code.

“Now more than ever it’s important to see strong female leadership in the tech industry," Girls Who Code’s CEO and Founder Reshma Saujani told The Verge. “Bozoma exemplifies this.” 

Kate is a senior copy editor in Northern California. She holds a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in professional writing from the University of California, Davis.