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Rise of the Mobile Strategist (Infographic)

Companies are starting to hire mobile roles, and government is never too far behind the private sector.

With the proliferation of smart phones and tablets in consumers' hands, mobility is at an all-time high, and careers related to mobility are also on the rise. According to a survey of more than 1,000 CIOs conducted by Vanson Bourne in 2012, U.S. companies plan to spend an average of nearly $1 million on mobile initiatives over the next year. 

And according to enterprise mobile development company Antenna, quite a few companies have mobile roles to fill -- chief mobile officers or directors of mobility, for example -- while many other companies are planning to hire mobile roles in the future. And government is never too far behind the private sector -- its need to pay attention to mobile roles is no different. 

To help expedite mobile initiatives, one in three companies has taken on a mobile strategist. This infographic illustrates what mobile skills are in demand and their monetary value. Pay attention, public sector -- the mobile strategist may be the next position you consider filling.
