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State of the States

The fourth annual State of the States Briefing, in Falls Church, Va., brought together several hundred government and industry leaders to focus on trends and issues in state information technology, including Y2K, electronic commerce, outsourcing and procurement. Keynoting the briefing was Virginia Lt. Gov. John H. Hager. Speakers included CIOs and top state officials from Arizona, California, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas and Ohio. Federal speakers included officials from the U.S. Department of Justice, Department of Agriculture and Department of Health and Human Services. The State of the States Briefing was sponsored by FSI State & Local, NASIRE and Government Technology.

1. Don Raleigh and Conny Brown, of Control Data Systems. 2. Virginia Lt. Gov. John H. Hagar. 3. George Mopp, OAO Corp. 4. Wendy Rayner, CIO, state of New Jersey and CC Quarles, Andersen Consulting. 5. Joseph J. Leo, deputy administrator for Management, Food and Consumer Services, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 6. Rayner and Government Technology Publisher Don Pearson. 7. Keith Evans, BMC Software. 8. George White, director, Bureau of Desktop Technology, Pennsylvania. 9. Rick Norton, General Signal Networks. 10. Mark Ragan, director, State Systems, U.S. Dept. Health and Human Services. 11. John B. Kelly, CIO, state of Arizona. 12. Paul Kendall, general counsel, U.S. Dept. of Justice. 13. Rayner presents the Luncheon Address. 14. Kelvin Fairfax and John Donovan from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 15. Thomas R. Davies, PhD., vice president, FSI State and Local. 16. Thomas L. Hewitt (Center) chair and CEO, Federal Sources and Lt. Gov. Hagar. 17. Julius Lewis, OAO Corp. 18. Diane Wallace, SCI Consulting. 19. Karl Cureton, Acer. 20. John Kost, Senior V.P., FSI State and Local.