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What did a U.S. Web developer recently do that sounds fictitious, but is startlingly true?

What did a U.S. Web developer recently do that sounds fictitious, but is startlingly true?


Answer: outsource his job

This might be the first case of "extreme entrepreneurism" and ethics gone bad. A U.S. Web developer outsourced his job to a Chinese worker.

Unfortunately the Web developer, known as Bob, contracted out his job so he could take on more jobs, which he also outsourced.

A typical day for Bob went something like this: Watch cat videos, read articles on Reddit and shop on eBay and, rewind, do the same tomorrow.

No, this isn't fictitious! That's what most would like to believe, however, multiple news outlets have reported the validity of the story, which was discovered by Verizon in an investigation commissioned by the unnamed company that paid Bob six figures. Apparently the company's VPN was being accessed from China, which raised a red flag as far as security. Bob is now fired and the Chinese worker no longer has 20 percent of Bob's paycheck.


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