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How does ClimaCell make its weather predictions?

Answer: With data collected from cellphone signals.

According to the company, this is what makes its weather forecasts 60 percent more accurate than existing systems.

This is because the number of everyday wireless devices on the planet far outweighs the current array of weather sensors. By analyzing the signals of those devices, ClimaCell gets a much more detailed picture of the weather in a given location. This, in turn, allows them to create a more detailed prediction of what the weather in that location will be in the near future.

The company is also working on a new mathematical model that could allow subscribers to generate a simulation based on all that gathered cellphone data. The model can be adjusted to focus on certain factors like region or weather type, creating a customized weather forecast for the user.

Kate is a senior copy editor in Northern California. She holds a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in professional writing from the University of California, Davis.