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Is Apple still going to launch a 5G smartphone this year?

Answer: Honestly, who knows? Apple seems to think it's likely though.

2020 was going to be a big year for new Apple phones since the company was supposed to launch its first 5G-capable device. But since so many other awful things have happened in 2020 so far (and we’re only halfway through the year), it likely wouldn’t surprise anyone this year if COVID-19 managed to ruin that, too.

Fortunately, Apple seems to think this one thing could mostly be saved from the hellscape that is 2020. In April, the company told analysts in a conference call that it’s production capabilities, which had taken a bit of a hit earlier in the year thanks to the coronavirus, had mostly returned to normal. CNET reports that if Apple were able to launch a new phone in the fall, supplies would likely be limited initially; and sources recently told Nikkei that Apple’s iPhone production could see delays of anywhere between four weeks and two months. 

Considering how this year has been going so far, fall seems like such a long way away, too far to make any solid predictions as to what might be happening.