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What once-popular cellphone brand is being revived?

Answer: BlackBerry.

BlackBerry has had a tough go of it since the iPhone stole its popularity in the late 2000s, but somehow the brand has managed to limp along. Now, though, it looks like it will be getting a more serious attempt at a revival.

OnwardMobility just announced that, in partnership with BlackBerry and FIH Mobile Limited (a Foxconn Technology Group subsidiary), it will be launching a BlackBerry brand 5G smartphone. The device, which is expected to land in North America and Europe in the first half of next year, will have one of the trademarks of the original BlackBerry devices: a full physical keyboard.

“BlackBerry smartphones are known for protecting communications, privacy, and data. This is an incredible opportunity for OnwardMobility to bring next-generation 5G devices to market with the backing of BlackBerry and FIH Mobile,” said OnwardMobility CEO Peter Franklin.