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Which U.S. president had the tackiest Oval Office decor?

Answer: Decide for yourself with these new digital renderings.

President William H. Taft at his desk in the Oval Office.
President William H. Taft at his desk in the Oval Office.
Shutterstock/Everett Collection
Just like its various occupants, the Oval Office has seen a lot of change over the years. Each new president has put their own stamp on it in the way they redecorated it (or didn’t). And thanks to American Home Shield, we can now take a virtual stroll through all its different looks throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.

The company pulled together photos of the Oval Office over the years and used them to create aerial graphic renderings of the room during all the different administrations. Beginning with William Howard Taft in 1909, you can scroll through images of each office all the way up to current President Joe Biden. You can also choose two offices to compare side by side.