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What's the latest (super weird) way people are making money with livestreams?

Answer: By letting viewers pay to wake them up (virtually, of course).

Woman sleeping in her bed - use once only
It may be safe to say that social media has reached a new level of absurdity with this emerging trend: interactive sleep streaming. It involves people on TikTok and Twitch streaming live feeds of themselves sleeping while viewers pay to engage in different virtual attempts to wake them up.

Mikkel Nielsen, one of the more successful sleep streamers, has an array of different options at different prices. For example, a viewer can pay $1 in order to type a message that a bot will read through a speaker in Nielsen’s room, loudly enough to wake him. Or for a cool $95, they can watch him be awakened by a shock bracelet on his wrist.

Fortunately for their own sake, these sleep streamers don’t do this every night. Nielsen does his streams every other Saturday between the hours of midnight and 4:20 a.m. (after which he said he actually sleeps until noon). He estimates that the longest he has ever gone without being woken during a stream is about six minutes. It’s worth it though — without disclosing specifics, Nielsen told Wired that he makes enough to cover all necessary expenses like rent and bills.

The joy it brings to viewers is his other motivation. “Some guy trying to fall asleep is enough to make another person happy, it’s enough to make them forget about their problems and just have a laugh for 20 minutes.”