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The funding will go toward geographic expansion and development of artificial intelligence-based tools. The investment is just the latest in the community engagement space, a hot area of government technology.
The state is poised to disperse nearly $827 million for broadband expansion in some of the state’s most hard-to-reach places. Gov. Jared Polis’ goal is to connect 99 percent of households to high-speed Internet by 2027.
Answer: You might, if they’re a specialist you wouldn’t get to see otherwise.
The Consortium for School Networking and the nonprofit CAST this week released a report on practical steps schools and tech developers can take to ensure new AI tools are accessible to all students.
Answer: You can if you have a brain implant.
The Riverside Co.’s acquisition reflects a belief these types of software will continue a growth spurt, fueled in part by governments adopting better tools. Cloudpermit says it has worked with more than 850 agencies.
A new report from the Center for Democracy and Technology examines ways in which AI-powered chatbots may negatively impact voter confidence this election season, for people with disabilities.
Answer: Google certainly thinks so.
The Oregon Department of Education this week announced the release of “Sassy,” a free AI-driven tool that aims to make career exploration more fun and less daunting for middle and high school students.