K-12 Education
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A new agreement between two state education associations and the recently merged ed-tech companies Munetrix and SchoolData Solutions offers discounted data management and planning services for Illinois school districts.
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North and South Carolina are the first states to join the Consortium for School Networking’s Trusted Learning Environment State Partnership Program, which will provide guidance to all districts in each state.
Thurgood Marshall Learning Center, an alternative secondary program at Rock Island-Milan School District, is generating buzz among students for its program teaching digital audio and other modern media skills.
A gift from a pair of alumni will help St. Louis University High School launch the Conrads Program for Integrated Sciences, which will expand teaching of STEM subjects and incorporate modern technologies.
By building a software package based on the music of Taylor Swift, researcher Jake Thompson laid the groundwork for a free tool that makes diagnostic classification models easier to use for student assessments.
The ability of artificial intelligence to create deceptive photos, videos and audio creates a potential threat to the reputations and mental well-being of students and staff. It can also lead to teachable moments.
After initially saying the state's guidance for school cellphone policies gives “short shrift” to students with disabilities, advocates then read the actual policy and said it goes a long way toward addressing their concerns.
Artificial intelligence may help schools identify and resolve cybersecurity issues faster, as long as it's on a unified platform or has interoperability with other applications on the school's network.
Anticipating high winds due to Hurricane Helene that could make bus travel unsafe, Beaufort County Schools in Florida will use remote learning to avoid missing instructional days that would have to be made up later.
Fairmont Senior High School in Marion County will use a system from Rank One Computing that detects whenever a weapon, whether it's a pistol or a long gun, is drawn within view of a camera.
The proposed ASIS International School Security Standard includes detailed recommendations for the use of technology such as panic buttons, surveillance cameras, AI and biometrics to improve school safety.
According to a summer survey by the EdWeek Research Center, 11 percent of district leaders reported a complete ban on smartwatches in their schools, while 34 percent said they're permissible under specific conditions.
Compton Unified School District has seen the proportion of students pursuing STEM careers more than double in 10 years, encouraged by preschool classes, integrations with other subjects and business partnerships.
More than 30 Boston-area public schools are in the process of restricting student phone use on campus. Students and parents said there were "growing pains," but many are happy with the results.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation requiring districts to pass rules by July 1, 2026, to limit or ban students from using smartphones on campus or while students are under the supervision of school staff.
An elementary school will receive $10,000 for science, technology, robotics/reading, engineering, arts and math, and the College of Staten Island is launching new boot camps to equip adult learners with digital skills.