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Government Experience

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The report, from the Communications Workers of America, critiques federally funded broadband work by 14 counties in the South, Northeast and Midwest on metrics including availability of project information.
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With a new requirement from the Department of Justice looming, state and local governments must make their digital services accessible for people with disabilities, but not all are starting from the same place.
States are investing in ways to incorporate the end user's experience into digital services, looking at how people truly use platforms and how to improve them. Some say it’s what government should have been doing all along.
A coding error in third-party software that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife used for its June special hunt permit drawings led to hundreds of hunters being told they won permits they shouldn't have.
State and municipal agencies and one of the nation’s most populous counties are integrating AI and GIS into their permitting systems, adding automation and enhancing transparency to improve service and accountability.
A new paper from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers explores the role of generative AI in improving accessibility for people with disabilities. It finds use cases and limitations alike.
The New York State Office for the Aging is giving older adults more options to connect with each another and the world by providing them with a variety of technologies — and the skills they need to use them.
Learn how the convergence of self-service and automation in public-sector IT enhances efficiency for government agencies — streamlining access to services, freeing up resources and fostering innovation.
Illinois has partnered with Google to launch a groundbreaking portal, aiming to streamline access to youth mental health services and break down agency silos. A project leader shared with Government Technology what they’ve learned in the process.
The company, which sells digital tools to local public agencies, plans to use its own data, survey reports and analysis to help officials decide how to invest in technology, craft budgets and do other jobs. The man leading the effort explains the thinking behind it.
The capital, which closely follows another fundraising round, will help the company’s ongoing integration of Camino Technologies. A Clariti executive explains what’s going on and what the future holds.
Two local governments have taken steps to make residents aware of their digital rights. Experts argue that cities actually have a responsibility to do so.
Kalkomey, previously owned by a Boston-based private equity firm, sells outdoor certification and safety education tools to all U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Macquarie is increasingly active in gov tech deals.
The Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles is using a new real-time customer management system known as Next in Line in 59 field offices, helping to improve wait times for more than 3 million.
The city has launched a digital map so the public can track progress for community improvement projects that they approved through the city’s participatory budgeting process.
The city has taken steps toward modernization and sustainability by approving a new software initiative. In addition, it has also moved to add four Teslas to the city vehicle fleet.