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Public-sector IT departments embarking on modernization efforts can follow these tips to overcome common challenges like resource restraints and staffing issues.
The Drones as First Responder program would expand on this use by providing a cost-efficient way for the agency to get support in the sky and respond to 911 calls quicker as the county continues to grow.
The arrival this week of Blue Origin’s new rocket landing support ship marks a busy time for Port Canaveral as a mix of government and private maritime ship traffic begins to pick up steam.
The Portland City Council voted to expand a police drone program, enabling its use for all precincts and divisions despite pushback from some community members over surveillance concerns.
The process, which takes about three seconds, debuted this week for people visiting other countries via Denver International Airport. The new U.S. Customs and Border Protection system compares images to those already on file.
This virtual academy is attached to Brookside Charter School, and it bills itself as Kansas City’s only virtual program where teaching happens on live, interactive video calls.
Plus, the first easily accessible 3D data set of the moon, Scottsdale, Ariz., rolls out drones as first responders, and the amount Amazon has lost on devices powered by Alexa.
The robotic arm consists of 3D-printed pieces, screws, a circuit board and four motors. Despite its size, there is a gripper on the end of it, capable of picking up small items, like a screw.
Michigan as a state may eventually play a key role in developing new technologies to capture carbon emissions and store the planet-warming gasses deep underground.
University of Florida horticulture science professor Rob Ferl is joining five others on the launch of Blue Origin’s suborbital New Shepard rocket for what will be its eighth human spaceflight.
Burlington County, N.J., election officials are providing voters with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the county’s new voting machines prior to the 2024 general election.
Aerospace engineers, graduate assistants and professors are re-creating the conditions of space as they build and test miniaturized sensors and instruments to help NASA better understand the cosmos.
Drone as First Responder programs have been adopted across the country, and in them, police place drones across their coverage areas and send them to determine if a ground response is needed.
The University of Maryland Extension in Frederick, Md., is looking to expand practical research into cover crops with the goal of better understanding how farmers learn from each other.
Amazon is launching a showroom on lower Market Street in San Francisco to demonstrate its AI and robotics efforts, and quad-wheel Amazon branded bots are a tease for the techie wonders inside.