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SponsoredWhy AI and ML are fundamental to protecting government services and improving user experience.
While generative AI is still in the early days of government implementation, it's important for public-sector leaders to lay groundwork for successful use and adoption.
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Whether it be moving to the cloud or adopting artificial intelligence, the technology needs of government continue to evolve, and agencies must make sure that their technologists' skills evolve as well.
SponsoredLegacy VPNs, once a cornerstone of secure network access, have now become cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Learn why Zero Trust Network Access is the modern solution for secure, high-performance remote access, improving user experience while eliminating risks associated with VPNs.
State and local government agencies’ efforts to streamline service delivery for residents risk being held back by outdated case management processes. Low-code technology may be the answer.
Law enforcement agencies nationwide are losing officers faster than they can recruit them. Automated license plate readers and using drones as first responders are just two solutions that can act as "force multipliers."
SponsoredPublic-sector IT departments embarking on modernization efforts can follow these tips to overcome common challenges like resource restraints and staffing issues.
Government agencies are tasked with protecting their networks from increasingly destructive cyber attacks, but often have limited funding, staffing and guidance to do so. Proactive strategies can make a big difference.
SponsoredIn what NASCIO called a historic first, digital government services tied cybersecurity for No. 1 this year.
Researchers weigh in on government efforts to define standards and tools for ed-tech evaluations, calling for quality assurance measures, ongoing improvements, certifications, benchmarks and regulatory frameworks.
SponsoredThe emerging state of AI-focused legislation, two primary challenges AI presents, and controls that help agencies achieve legislative compliance.
SponsoredNew research shows reliance on outdated identity verification methods.
As the need for skilled tech workers skyrockets, former federal CIO Suzette Kent argues organizations including state and local governments should start recruiting from less traditional pipelines.
To develop organizational maturity in an IT agency, leaders must foster a culture of continuous improvement and create a safe space for staff to try new ideas.