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Jim McKay


Jim McKay is the editor of Emergency Management. He lives in Orangevale, Calif., with his daughter, Ellie, and son, Ronan. He relaxes by fly fishing on the Truckee River for big, wild trout. Jim can be reached at

The study at Texas A&M University is looking at the effects of smoke on the hearts of wildland firefighters using an Apple Watch and an air quality sensor worn by the firefighters.
911inform provides immediate situational awareness for schools, state buildings and health-care facilities, allowing personnel to lock down a building, access a camera or notify authorized personnel with a press of a button.
The fact that police were unprepared and waited some 77 minutes to enter the school, and that Uvalde is a small community where law enforcement are always at the fore, adds another layer of grief to the situation.
Making Mobile Data Terminals in police cars more useful by allowing them to be used for drivers’ license scanning, photos and data collection for evidentiary purposes is within the scope of what agencies should be doing.
It’s unclear so far whether Positive Train Control, a technology that is deployed on railroad tracks to prevent such accidents, was in play during the March 2 incident and whether it would have stopped the derailment.
Violence on the Brockton, Mass., High School campus has gotten to the point where teachers are afraid, and four school committee members asked the governor to call in the National Guard to restore order.
Early detection is critical to successfully combatting wildfires, and autonomous helicopters fitted with AI technologies could respond quickly to and suppress a fire before it has time to burn out of control.
The Virginia Office of the AG wants to use the intelligence gleaned from a study, and technology funded through criminal forfeitures and seizures, to make understaffed police agencies more efficient and effective.
The new machine learning method only needs 21 hours of input data to produce accurate air quality forecasts, while traditional models can require months’ worth of data.
A system designed to amplify classroom audio can now be equipped with safety buttons that provide teachers with a one-touch ability to notify office personnel if something is amiss.