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Schwarzenegger Launches Go Solar California Web Site

"we are launching a new Web site this week that has all the information anyone needs to get involved"

Two months after signing legislation to complete his Million Solar Roofs plan, Governor Schwarzenegger launched the Go Solar California Web site, a one stop shop for information on the state's solar programs for California residential and commercial power users.

"Because there is so much interest in the Million Solar Roofs program, we are launching a new Web site this week that has all the information anyone needs to get involved," said Gov. Schwarzenegger at the Solar Power Conference and Expo in San Jose. "The Web site ... has everything you need to participate in our $2.8 billion incentive program so everyone who wants to can go solar."

Go Solar California enables consumers to have access to all information related to solar energy, how they can easily apply for state rebates specific to their location and utility, and information on federal tax credits. The Web site will provide information for solar programs for new and existing home owners, schools, public buildings and affordable housing projects.

Providing incentives to consumers and builders of solar homes will help create a self-sustaining solar market where Californians demand energy-efficient, solar homes and the incentives will reduce the nation's dependence on fossil-fuels. Currently, more than 20,000 photovoltaic systems are installed in California generating clean, pollution free electricity.

In order to reach as many Californians as possible, information on the solar program will also be available in seven languages including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalong and Vietnamese. The Web site is a collaboration between the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the California Energy Commission.