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Suburban D.C. Election Judges to be Re-trained on Voting Machines

Primary results were delayed this week due to a lack of training on new touch-screen voting machines.

ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) -- Election judges in Montgomery County will be retrained on a new computerized touch-screen voting system to avoid problems that significantly delayed results in this week's primary.

About 3,200 judges will be trained before the Nov. 5 general elections, and the suburban Washington county will update its procedure for using the new computerized machines, County Executive Douglas M. Duncan said Wednesday.

Poorly trained election workers dealing with a new computerized voting system were blamed for what Duncan described as "shakedown problems."

Workers at each poll site had to tabulate precinct results on a paper printout and drive the printout and memory cards from each unit to the county's election headquarters, officials said.

The three other Maryland counties using the new system Tuesday had better results.

A new touch-screen system in Florida also caused problems in Tuesday's primary there. Candidates and voters complained about delays stemming from election workers struggling with the touch-screen voting machines.

The system was put in place in an attempt to solve the problems that plagued the state in the disputed 2000 presidential election.

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