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How does the public compare with scientists on key issues?

Answer: not well

Research by the Pew Research Center demonstrated a wide difference in opinion between the public and professionals connected with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 

Only 37 percent of the public said it’s safe to eat genetically modified foods, while 88 percent of AAAS members said GMOs are safe to eat. Just 28 percent of the public said food grown with pesticides is safe to eat, compared to 68 percent of AAAS members. Thirty-seven percent more AAAS members believe in global warming caused by humans and 33 percent more AAAS members believe in the theory of evolution.

The only issue the two groups aligned on was the Space Station, which both (64 percent for the public, 68 for AAAS) agreed was a good investment for the U.S.