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Paul W. Taylor

Executive Editor

Paul W. Taylor, Ph.D. is the Executive Editor at E.Republic and of its flagship titles - Governing and Government Technology. Prior to joining e.Republic, Taylor served as deputy Washington state CIO and chief of staff of the state Information Services Board (ISB). Dr. Taylor came to public service following decades of work in media, Internet start-ups and academia. He is also among a number of affiliated experts with the non-profit, non-partisan Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) in Washington, D.C.

He can be reached at or on Twitter at @pwtaylor.

Equipped with publicly available data and an interest in making a difference, a 14-year-old self-taught coder is doing for government what it did not do for itself.
For all its hype, controversy and unknowns, generative AI like ChatGPT could be the next technology that drives digital government forward in its mission to provide better services.
Many years have passed since the Internet first became part of how government serves the people. There have been setbacks along the way, but digital government continues to deliver on its promise.
Public-sector technology work is a force multiplier for improving the lives of residents nationwide. That's important to keep in mind, especially in the face of news like unrelenting cyber attacks and workforce woes.
The vast quantities of data governments collect can sometimes become too numerous to adequately tell the stories of what’s happening in our world. But interpreted well, they illustrate fact.
Long gone are the early days of digital government services, which often came with a “more is more” approach to graphic design. Mobile-first now means rethinking — and simplifying — public-sector websites.
As technologists continue to introduce bleeding-edge ideas like the metaverse that could change how we work, live and play online, is government prepared to regulate those new spaces?
The relative success of remote work has proved that in many cases government staff are just as, if not more, productive when they work away from the office. More agile structures like holacracy might be ones to model.
Shifts in how we think about work in a post-COVID-19 world could create an opening for fairer hiring with the help of asynchronous interviews, using AI to aid in reducing bias in recruiting.
Whether it is maintaining the health and safety of the people or delivering services online, government's core competence is ultimately a matter of trust — just ask anyone living through the pandemic.