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Missouri Eminent Domain Task Force Launches Web Site

The new site allows individuals to electronically submit testimony, provide recommendations and suggestions, and stay up to date on task force activities

On Thursday, the Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain announced the launch of their new website.

"The website gives the public first hand information about task force activities," Terry Jarrett, Task Force Chairman, said. "It is just another example of how we are carrying out the Governor's call to ensure programs are accessible and responsive to the people they might impact."

The website has been created to allow individuals statewide to be involved with the Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain. The new site allows for individuals to electronically submit testimony, provide recommendations and suggestions, and stay up to date on task force activities. The website also includes details about upcoming meetings.

The Missouri Task Force on Eminent Domain is tasked by Gov. Matt Blunt with evaluating the state's eminent domain laws and making initial recommendations regarding suggested changes and improvements. The nine-member task force will evaluate and make initial recommendations to the governor by October 1, 2005. Task force members receive no compensation for their service.