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What Windows app is Microsoft retiring after 28 years?

Answer: WordPad.

Sunlight shining in the shape of the Windows logo through clouds onto a grassy field.
Microsoft’s simple, lightweight text editor WordPad, which has been a Windows staple for 28 years, is finally coming to an end. Digital Trends reports that the app was not present in the default software package in the recent Canary build of Windows 11.

The move reflects a response to changes in user behaviors and preferences, as WordPad’s use has diminished over time in the face of more robust offerings in Microsoft’s Office suite like Word. It’s also not entirely surprising considering that Microsoft added WordPad to its list of deprecated features in September of last year.

Users had mixed reactions to the news, with some touting it as a step forward while others expressed nostalgia for an application that has been around since Windows 95.