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Julia McCandless

Contributing Writer

Julia McCandless is a journalist passionate about finding the story and telling it well. She currently works as a freelance journalist and communications expert in Northern California, where she lives with her husband and son.

Parents want the protection, but notification requirements put a heavy burden on school districts. Two states – Colorado and Connecticut – are tackling the issue in different ways.
Outsourcing, bigger budgets and better planning are some of the ways higher ed tries to handle the growth in ResNets.
Hiram College is the latest school to make digital devices part of the students' liberal arts experience. But experts caution that tech giveaways need to be planned well.
Similar challenges appear in both traditional and digital learning environments when it comes to collaboration.
The system is powered by a lightning network that includes more than 1,200 lightning sensors across 40 countries.
The WiFire app is meant to support experts by providing key information in a matter of minutes.
A new National Association of State Boards of Education report examines the potential consequences of school surveillance on privacy and equity.
After a successful pilot last year within four high schools, the school district is now beginning to incorporate 3-D technology and virtual reality tools within all 21 school sites, including elementary and middle schools.
Despite major tech advances, many organizations still struggle with digital accessibility.
It's been six days since the water started to rise in the Baton Rouge area, and while the flood has receded in several parts of the state, it is actually still getting worse in others.