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Brian Heaton

Brian Heaton was a writer for Government Technology and Emergency Management magazines from 2011 to mid-2015.

Providers, academics and privacy advocates discuss the way high-speed Internet has impacted privacy expectations for users, and the government’s ability to protect it.
The First Responder Network Authority seeks comment on its upcoming RFP and enabling legislation.
State lawmakers are considering a bill that would force cities and counties to conduct inventories of the systems used to collect and store government data.
Gov. Terry Branstad’s “Connect Every Acre” measure has passed the state’s House of Representatives and looks for ratification in Senate.
The city’s grid of LED streetlights are being fitted with remote monitoring controls that keep officials apprised of their condition.
Local cops in Pennsylvania will soon be able to electronically share and compare data on criminals -- but the data available may vary depending on the uploading agency.
Coleman will assume a vice president position with the company.
Legislators have halted progress on two bills that would have enabled utilities to expand Internet connectivity outside current service areas in the state.
State legislation would require state and municipal police to get legal permission before using a drone for criminal surveillance.
City staff are beta testing a mobile app to allow residents to file repair requests and complaints.