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Julia McCandless

Contributing Writer

Julia McCandless is a journalist passionate about finding the story and telling it well. She currently works as a freelance journalist and communications expert in Northern California, where she lives with her husband and son.

And Wi-Fi access isn’t just a way to get students online, it’s also created a ripple effect of many positive impacts, as measured by district officials.
The first phase costs $5.6 million and will consist of a flood wall.
The elections information website can play a significant role in filling the information gap for voters.
A pilot program trains students in high-demand fields and connects them with companies that need workers with skills in science, technology, engineering and math.
Designed for teachers who have prior experience in programming or coding, the course covers key topics across software design and development, programming language, and technology applications.
The Alaska State Board of Education has implemented an innovative virtual stakeholder process that uses technology to seamlessly connect community members for key discussions and decisions on the Every Student Succeeds Act initiative.
The county worked to quickly streamline systems, targeting 60 applications, including more than 1,000 forms and 1,300 reports to be modernized, rewritten or retired.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress' unique assessment uses scenario-based tasks on computers to measure how eighth-grade students understand the use and effect of technology in their personal lives.
Since the state's Workforce Solutions Department launched a strategy that marries predictive analytics with behavioral science techniques, it has seen a 40 percent reduction in the likelihood to commit fraud.
The state's Office of Early Childhood recently began the second phase of a software system for rating Colorado's early childhood education and care programs.