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Kayla Nick-Kearney

Kayla Nick-Kearney is a staff writer for Techwire.

LA County will team up with two of CSULA's senior computer engineering projects, entering as a test-run for a long-term effort.
California representatives talk about getting serious on security.
Financial Information System CIO Subbarao Mupparaju speaks up about his department's security efforts.
Brown says that establishing an online college would make higher education more affordable and accessible to Californians.
The city is finalizing a contract to build a Web application through which residents will find explanations of what each department and division budget does, and be able to leave notes and comments.
Los Angeles County’s Human Resources Department serves 108,000 employees.
California has released information about schools before in various forms — a dashboard, a database of performance scores, a grading system — but now all of that is rolled into a publicly available app.
The toolkit is under public domain and includes tips, a website and scorecards.
Since operational technology was built pre-Internet and is goal-oriented, its security is not always a top priority
While many other local governments and even the state are struggling to solve the same problem, L.A. has created a repository for IT knowledge.