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Is a National Shutdown in Our Future?

England has just implemented one due to the new virus strain.

I think we are in a race right now. Can vaccines be distributed and actual vaccinations accomplished before the new, more transmissible version of the coronavirus explodes across the United States?

The new version of the virus is starting to pop up in different states. If it is 70 percent more infectious, like they say it is, then our hospital and other medical systems will be overwhelmed with new patients. At present I'm guessing we are about 10-15 days out from the Christmas and New Year's Day surge showing up at hospitals as people fall ill and then seek treatment for more severe cases. The last week in January should be very telling. 

The present rate of vaccinations cannot prevent more surges coming in the next few months from the more infectious version of the virus. This is why England has ordered a national shutdown until mid to late February. 

The new Biden-Harris Administration does not have the same authority that the prime minister of England has. However, they could call on states to implement a shutdown. Likely, that call will go over like a lead balloon in many states that have even been reluctant to encourage their citizens to wear a mask.  

I'm still waiting for the State of Florida to have its turn in the bucket of being "the hot spot in the nation." You can only thumb your nose at the virus and precautions for only so long. Science and the virus have a way of catching up with you!

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.