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New Disaster Zone Podcast Launches

COVID-19 enters the United States.

My latest endeavor is the initiation of a new podcast -- surprise! It is called Disaster Zone. Check out the first four-minute-long podcast explaining what you will hear about by listening, Initiating the Disaster Zone Podcast.

The first interview is with the Kirkland, Wash., emergency manager who relates what it was like to be the first landing place for the coronavirus here in the USA. She also shares a few tips and lessons learned from the experience. Check out COVID Comes to the USA.

You can sign up for an RSS feed on the site or add it to your podcast library on your phone, or however you listen to podcasts. My goal is to keep these shorter than longer, 20-30 minutes max. 


Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.