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Perception of Risk at the Dental Office

People's perceptions still rule, not science.

When you have a dental cleaning, there is not much time where you get to talk, but one does get to listen. Today was my time in the chair for a dental cleaning and a checkup. The social conversation went something like this:

Have you been getting together with your family since COVID hit?

Answer: Once this summer, outside and we were at three different tables in the back yard, far apart. 

What's your Thanksgiving plans?

Answer: Staying home, just the two of us — no family interactions. Likely Zoom sometime during the day. That is also the plan for Christmas.

Has anyone in your family been sick (assumption — if not, why not get together with close family?)?  

Answer: The issue is the perception of risk. "You don't get the disease from people you know and love." Bad assumption! I shared that people will start getting sick two weeks after the holiday and another percentage of them will then be hospitalized by Christmas. The worst Christmas holiday ever for the medical community in general. 

In summary, the people you love and who love you can make you sick!

And here is the latest from CNN on the pandemic and as reported by the White House, "U.S. seeing unprecedented coronavirus spread, White House says."

The virus is out of control! Over 180,000 cases as of yesterday. 

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.