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Social Media and Emergency Management

It is not cutting-edge anymore. If you are not into social media — retire!

One of the major things we do as emergency managers is communicate. That includes all forms of communication. Writing, public speaking, media appearances, one-on-one conversations, meetings, and "yes" we should all be on social media. 

I have not been writing/blogging much on the topic since "what else is there to say?" See this GovGirl column on the topic, Government Social Media Work Has Come a Long Way. While she is somewhat optimistic, I'm thinking it will take death and retirement to finish the integration of social media into emergency management agencies. 

Would you refuse to use a telephone or cellphone to communicate with the public? If not, why in the world would you reject social media as a tool for communication — especially because of its popularity?

If you know someone who is still working and rejects the benefits of social media, slip a paper copy of this under their door before going home tonight and add, "Time to retire?" to the top of the page.

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.