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Top Picks for FEMA Come from the South

An interesting analysis of who has served as director and administrator.

Want to have the top job in FEMA?  You can increase your odds by moving to the South! See this piece and analysis, Favored Southern Candidates Pass Tests for Top FEMA Job.

Gulf and East Coast states are proving grounds for big storms and hurricanes. That type of "successful" experience helps in getting your name on a list. What is even better is personally knowing the people who are making the list.

Perhaps we have turned the corner on when we'll never have another Joe Allbaugh or Michael Brown serving as the FEMA administrator — but, since we are talking politics, who knows, if Bugs Bunny came along and knew the right people, he might be able to be appointed to the job — with a compliant Senate going along with the pick.

I've about given up on the idea of "not being surprised" with what politicians can do.

Claire Rubin, Senior Researcher, shared the link above. 

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.