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Public Safety

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Newer vehicles come with safety features including high-voltage batteries, advanced restraint systems and other onboard technologies that can cause difficulties for first responders trying to extricate a crash victim.
The Bibb County Sheriff's Office is asking residents with home surveillance cameras to register their devices with law enforcement, a move which officials say will improve the ability to solve and deter crime.
"We don't do any predictive policing or use artificial intelligence to predict where crime will occur. We don't use any predictive analytics," said Joe Leibold, chief of the Waterloo Police Department.
The tool aims to take the load off of understaffed 911 call centers by handling less critical tasks, like routing 311 calls and answering routine queries.
The group launched in 1996 and the 75 students now form Rice EMS—until recently—the only full-time student-run emergency medical service in Texas. The students are all state and nationally certified Emergency Medical Technicians.
Authorities believe a ship lost power and struck a support column of the bridge, sending the cars into the river and launching a search-and-rescue operation. Two construction workers who were on the bridge were rescued.
Firefighters are often the first responders on the scene but aren’t allowed to transport patients to the hospital and often have to wait up to 25 minutes for an ambulance to arrive, even with critically injured patients.
The state Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness began distributing bleeding control kits to thousands of houses of worship in New Jersey this month. They provide medical items to treat gunshot victims.
The GUIDES mobile app gives Long Beach Police access to services that can help a subject with substance abuse, homelessness and mental illness. It allows access to case information, and warrant and stay-away data.
The dispute appears to have been brewing through the second half of 2023, and erupted into bitter social media debates this month as well as a series of sharp exchanges at a town council meeting Monday.
The tech allows physicians to virtually watch and listen over an EMT’s shoulder as they administer treatment to a sick patient. It’s like having a second set of eyes on challenging, complex situations.
The Oklahoma National Guard will coordinate with the local public safety and emergency management agencies to provide McCurtain County first responders with additional HAZMAT response capabilities.
The public expects to be safe, but after a disaster like a train derailment, if there’s not a clear and effective response, you lose the public’s trust and it’s difficult to get it back.
This was the fifth confirmed earthquake this year in the state after 28 quakes were recorded in 2023. The last time seismic activity was recorded in South Carolina was when two quakes rumbled through March 9.
The course is designed for people learning about weather for the first time and for experienced weather watchers and is intended to help residents understand how forecasts are created and how storms occur.