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The Iowa Department of Transportation has delayed the launch of digital ID to make security improvements to its mobile ID app. The agency will be bringing the app in line with national and international standards, officials say.
An apparent cybersecurity breach has caused Iowa PBS to cancel the remainder of its annual fall fundraising pledge drive, with a spokesman confirming the problems resulting from the issue this week.
In partnership with the state's community colleges, UNI this fall will offer an online bachelor's program to students who have completed associate's degrees but cannot afford or attend the university's in-person courses.
Matt Behrens is now Iowa's permanent CIO, the state announced July 8. His prior experience includes serving as the deputy CIO, chief technology officer and several other state department roles.
An influx of federal funding for high-speed Internet has created an opportunity in Iowa that must be met, agriculture and business leaders in Iowa said during a roundtable discussion with the federal commerce department.