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Government Technology Editor Noelle Knell

Noelle Knell

Executive Editor

Noelle Knell is the executive editor for e.Republic, responsible for setting the overall direction for e.Republic’s editorial platforms, including Government Technology, Governing, Industry Insider, Emergency Management and the Center for Digital Education. She has been with e.Republic since 2011, and has decades of writing, editing and leadership experience. A California native, Noelle has worked in both state and local government, and is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, with majors in political science and American history.

With every new technology that hits the public sector, from cloud computing to AI, agencies grapple with how to make it work toward achieving their core goal: an accessible, secure government experience.
With the retirement of some longtime pillars of the gov tech community this year and a host of fresh faces stepping into leadership, state IT offices are seeing more diversity in background and experience.
Washington CIO Bill Kehoe and Chief of Staff Amy Pearson explain that while their agency is fully remote and even hiring out-of-state talent, they still find ways to bring staff together on big projects.
States are starting to hire experts to navigate both the opportunities and the trickier aspects of AI. Maryland's Nishant Shah says job No. 1 is establishing a set of principles that set the foundation for everything else.
Noting that a CIO doesn’t necessarily need to be a tech expert, South Carolina’s interim IT chief Nathan Hogue plans to use his deep relationships at the state to understand where they can best invest resources.
Dickie Howze is the second-longest serving state CIO on the job today. Here, he talks with GT about how private-sector partners can successfully engage with Louisiana given its consolidated IT structure.
Washington’s first chief data officer, Irene Vidyanti, outlines the three main components of the state’s nascent enterprise data program, which will ultimately work together in a “symbiotic relationship.”
Nevada CIO Timothy Galluzi details a recent organizational change that acknowledges technology as the “great enabler” of state government, positioning his team to be a more strategic partner to other departments.
At the NASCIO Annual conference in Minneapolis, Arkansas CTO Jonathan Askins echoed the sentiments of his peers in his cautious optimism about AI in government and said they won’t have a second chance to get it right.
As federal funding for local government cybersecurity comes down through state governments, North Carolina CIO James Weaver explains why it’s essential that projects aren’t just “one and done.”