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Meth Scanner Tells the Real Deal from Cutting Agent

Handheld, battery-operated device that detects trace quantities of methamphetamine while in the scan mode.

The ID2 Meth Scanner is being used by a growing number of jurisdictions in Arizona, California, Tennessee and Iowa, according to the device's manufacturer CDEX. The ID2 Meth Scanner is a handheld, battery-operated device that detects trace quantities of methamphetamine while in the scan mode.

"Since debuting at the October 2008 COPS West Tradeshow, the ID2 Meth Scanner has been involved with a growing number of law enforcement busts," said Tim Shriver, Jr., CDEX Security Division Sales Manager. "The most recent involved a traffic stop where the driver had two bags of white substance, only one of which the Meth Scanner identified as methamphetamine. Upon further analysis, the scanner had correctly identified the meth and correctly rejected the second bag which was a cutting agent to be used in conjunction with sale of the meth."