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NYC Online Report Aims to Make Data, Services More Accessible

Last week, New York City released a digital version of the Mayor’s Management Report. The digital report intends to give residents an easy way to view and compare city agency data.

Concept image of graphs in cyan blue against a black background.
New York City has launched the Dynamic Mayor’s Management Report (DMMR), an online tool that lets residents access metrics related to city agency operations, mayor Eric Adams announced last week.

It is the digital version of the Mayor’s Management Report, which is required to be published twice a year by the New York City Charter to track performance goals.

With the digital report, users can search and compare data of city agencies over the past several years. The site will be updated regularly to track service delivery and identify areas for improvement.

DMMR’s release was formalized by the mayor’s signing of Executive Order 13, which also creates a new role at City Hall: a chief efficiency officer, who will work with city agencies to improve metrics and identify ways to streamline processes, with the goal of using public funds efficiently.

Adams appointed Melanie LaRocca as chief efficiency officer in December.

The executive order also directs every city agency to name a chief performance officer, who will work with the chief efficiency officer and the Mayor’s Office of Operations on performance metrics and other data tools.

Part of the goal of these actions is to address the “time tax,” or the time it takes New Yorkers to access services, as the tax disproportionately impacts those in greatest need.

“Modernizing and democratizing the Mayor’s Management Report for the digital age marks a crucial step in making the city’s performance data more accessible, timely, and meaningful,” said Daniel Steinberg, director of the Mayor’s Office of Operations, in the announcement.

Local governments are increasingly using data to increase their transparency to residents. Examples include Philadelphia’s Open Data Dashboard and the dashboard for homelessness data in Asheville, N.C.