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Amazon Delivery Drones--A Disruptor

Changes in technology are disrupting many aspects of our lives.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon surprised more than one person when he showed off the possibility of using drones to make delivery of Amazon goods to people's doorstep.  See this 60 Minutes segment on Amazon  Interestingly the delivery of pizza by Dominos using drones was considered a publicity stunt just a few months back.


I encourage you to watch the entire video (the drone part is at the end).  It shows how modern companies are acting and building for the future, taking advantage of technology.  Just this past week I blogged on Amazon's Web Services (AWS) and how it has taken off.  I think they maybe backed into cloud services because they needed it for their own system's functioning.


Here is the point I see from the story and the application to emergency management.  Bezos knows that drones and drone delivery won't fly until the rules and regulations are worked out by the FAA.  The date for that is projected to be in 2015.  He thinks the technology to make the delivery of Amazon goods by drone might be ready by that date.  It is these commercial applications of drone technology that will help us in our application of drones for our needs for situational awareness.  Business will plow the way for us--since they have the lobbying power and oomph to tailor new regulations.  


Stand by for more news on drones--it is a disruptive technology!

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.