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San Jose, Calif., has announced several steps to shape AI governance, including an open letter to stakeholders, a resource toolkit and an invitation to participate in its growing GovAI Coalition. A meeting is set for next Wednesday.
West Virginia is partnering with health technology firm GATC to integrate artificial intelligence into the state’s pharmaceutical research in an effort to accelerate the discovery of safe, effective drugs.
Plus U.S. social media rankings, the 60 football field-sized data centers worth $25 billion coming to Arizona and Chipotle's pilot for a robot to make its guacamole.
The European Parliament held a vote on the EU AI Act Wednesday in which a majority of members voted to adopt the regulation — marking the establishment of a model in artificial intelligence regulation for governments worldwide.
As governments increasingly fold artificial intelligence into their hiring processes, the question emerges: Does AI increase or reduce bias? Some experts argue that, when implemented responsibly, it reduces bias and directs a focus on skills.
Texas added more solar capacity than any other state in 2023 — topping California for just the second time — according to a new report, which attributes the growth to a boom in utility-scale projects.
New York City leaders on Thursday announced milestones met in the city’s Artificial Intelligence Action Plan. These include the establishment of an AI Steering Committee and the publication of guiding principles.
Some small-scale AI use cases are already underway. But in a webinar, “The Local Imperative: Policy and Use of AI,” state and local officials in North Carolina urged caution before employing the new technology in wider applications.
Voters were projected to approve a ballot measure that will ease restrictions on vehicle pursuits, allowing for the use of more surveillance technology and reducing oversight from the Police Commission.
The legislation would create an Artificial Intelligence Task Force to convene technology experts and other stakeholders, and address areas of concern around AI. It’s expected to head to the governor’s desk this week for a signature.
General Motors' hydrogen fuel cell business is working on a $65 million pilot program for hydrogen-based worksite products centered around medium-duty, fuel-cell powered trucks, the company said Tuesday.
A pollution-tracking satellite launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket Monday, promising a new level of accountability for companies and governments thought to be underreporting their emissions.
TR Sheehan, a longtime Wyoming executive serving for a second time as interim CIO, is working to understand what citizens need from their government and providing them with technology-based solutions to do just that.
A study found public-sector IT struggles with automation and ITIL. Learn how to tackle these challenges and gain insights into what other public-sector IT leaders are doing to solve these problems.
With an executive order Thursday, Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee called for creation of an Artificial Intelligence Task Force and centers of excellence for AI and data. Goals include operational efficiencies and improved service delivery.