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David Raths

contributing writer
Most state governments continue to have trouble with the implementation of Medicaid Management Information Systems, but some are starting to take different approaches.
How does a new CIO gain credibility in the statehouse?
Greater climate variability means regions of the country can expect to see new types of human health hazards. Here’s what you should know.
Policy and legal issues prove more challenging than technological ones but southern Illinois counties prevail.
Agile development -- where software projects are broken into short sprints -- isn't as easy to implement in government as one might expect. Here are the key impediments and how CIOs are working to overcome them.
Policy and legal issues prove more challenging than technological ones but southern Illinois counties prevail.
The best-performing tech incubators collect client outcome data more often and for longer periods of time than their peers, while most high-achieving incubators are nonprofit models, and public-sector support contributes to program success.
If cities don’t take charge of their own fate for high-speed Internet, they could be waiting years to get fiber infrastructure in their community.
Health Datapalooza panelists describe work-arounds they have developed to get the granular, neighborhood-level data they need.
Because state governments give less funding to corrections each year, IT support at prisons lacking -- and uptime with telemedicine is crucial, which is why the state's Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services chose a cloud-based system.