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FEMA Recovery Is Slooow

You can't have four big disasters and have things go quickly.

In the "tough to be FEMA" news, there is this CNN story, Hellish summer of hurricanes smashes FEMA. Craig Fugate has to be thinking — I got out of there at just the right time!

Here's a quick list of challenges for FEMA and Brock Long:

  • Most people think that FEMA is responsible for anything and everything to do with disasters
  • They seldom get the credit for what they do right, but always get the blame, even for those things they don't deserve
  • We live in a society that is fixated on the immediate with no thought to the future.
  • Most elected officials can't spell mitigation, let alone fund it
  • FEMA staffing is woefully short for all their missions
  • The National Flood Insurance Program is broken, and Congress refuses to fix it (and they think they will take on entitlements? Start with the NFIP)
  • 2017 might not have been a "one off" year — we seem to be moving to this as world temperatures climb 
  • For the above article focused on hurricanes, let's not forget the California fires — north and south
  • The FEMA IG is no one's friend — and, they make the disaster recovery process more complicated and cumbersome, trying to close loopholes 
I could have kept going, but this list is a good one to start with. Disaster reservist shortage?

Claire Rubin shared the link above.

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.