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In this day and age for local government, it has become a given that email scammers, online fraudsters, and hackers are going to target businesses and public agencies, as well as individuals.
Inmates at the Sedgwick County Jail in Kansas have a new way to stay educated, entertained and in touch with their family members thanks to a recent partnership with a prison communications firm.
The local government in Marin County in Northern California has launched a new initiative that aims to ensure all of its residents can gain access to high-speed, affordable Internet service at home.
The pandemic has forced state and local governments across the U.S. to close their offices and move services online. But there are still people who need to pay with cash — so the gov tech vendor is offering a solution.
The town council has opted not to use federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act funding to provide low-income families with Internet service after running into logistical challenges.
Despite the unprecedented challenges posed by the novel coronavirus pandemic, transit officials in the Florida region say many transportation initiatives have moved ahead successfully.
Smart Columbus Energy functions as a nonprofit energy broker, forming agreements between large corporate campuses and local utilities to buy renewable energy.
New Orleans residents and visitors having emergencies can now talk to first responders by video when they call or text 911, thanks to a program city officials say will be a big help for people in crisis.
The bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman Monica P. Wallace, would require the Lockport City School District to turn off the 300 digital cameras it installed to feed images to facial recognition software in its buildings.
Chief Innovation Officer Brendan Babb explains how COVID-19 brought new chances to innovate in Anchorage, Alaska, and how he tackles gov tech work in a far-flung city.
From fast-paced development and a focus on equity to GIS work and contact tracing, the pandemic showed that, despite challenges, digital services are crucial to making government work well today.
The $900 billion COVID-19 relief package that was recently passed by the U.S. Congress includes broadband money to help facilitate Internet access for low-income and jobless individuals.
In less than three days, TTEC created a contact center so that low-income families in North Carolina could receive coronavirus relief money as part of a Department of Revenue program.
St. Louis County is years behind in updating police tech, addressing an internal racial divide, working with community stakeholders and collaborating with the city's police department, according to outside consultants.
Baltimore County public school representatives delivered a letter to district leaders, stating the lack of transparency and communication following the recent ransomware attack is “wreaking havoc upon havoc.”