2018 Weather, Climate & Catastrophe Insight Report

National and international disasters and their impacts.

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Check out this item, 2018 Climate & Catastrophe Insight Report. It looks to provide some good detail, summary statistics, etc. 

Then there is this story on the report, 4 Climate-Influenced Disasters Cost the U.S. $53 Billion in 2018. The quote below comes from the article:

"[Steve] Bowen [a Chicago-based meteorologist and director of global reinsurance firm Aon’s impact forecasting team] said natural disaster risk is 'evolving,' both in the United States and around the world, and will continue due to complex socioeconomic and demographic factors. But it’s clear that population and development pressures are increasing in parts of the world that are most vulnerable to catastrophic events, like coastal zones and forested areas."

I found it interesting that the reinsurance companies feel that they have the resources ($595B in capital) to meet what I'll call "current demands," but a true catastrophe of "unprecedented" proportions might throw a wrench in the works. Worldwide, there were 42 billion-dollar events. 

Then there is this quote from the article:

"The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) said in an insert to the report that the 2018 California wildfires 'put an exclamation point on the frightening lessons' learned from the 2017 fire season, including that 'wildfire risk extends well past the wildland urban interface (WUI) and reaches right into tidy suburban neighborhoods.'"

I'll second that notion. See my 2017 Seattle Times op-ed on the wildland fire risk in western Washington, that most people would think is immune from wildfire risk — because of our "typical" weather. I say there is an "urban forest" in the midst of many suburban communities. Western Washington not immune from wildfire risk

Lastly, I head this week that Roy Wright, former FEMA head for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), has moved to be the director/CEO of IBHS. 

Claire Rubin, Senior Researcher, shared the first two links above. 

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Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.