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How Secure is Our Election System?

Election Day is less than two weeks away!

Most people don't follow political issues, let alone elections, all that closely--until it is time to vote. With that in mind I'm going to share two versions of How Secure is Vote by Mail? since that is a hot topic everywhere. 

This is a short (14 min.) video interview with the King County Elections Director How Secure is Vote by Mail? Note, King county has over a million registered voters and the last report I heard on Wednesday was that 300,000 ballots had already been returned-- note, Washington State is all vote by mail.

A longer version (24 minutes) with more detail is in this Disaster Zone Podcast, How Secure is Vote by Mail?

Both are worth your time to view or listen.

I voted already--how about you?



Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.